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VladaChem GmbH
We are a supplier and worldwide distributor of high quality chemicals that we deliver in various pack sizes at accessible prices. The competence and extensive professional experience of our international team in the field of organic synthesis, chemical technology and sales is a guarantee for your success with us as your trusted supplier. We are also performing synthesis of organic and inorganic compounds upon request and our flexible and competent service team can help with any customization you are looking for. Our mission is to provide you, the customer the possibility to concentrate on your core business while we will take every necessary step to ensure that the products you receive from us are always at the highest quality yet at very competitive prices and up to date following latest innovation trends.

Registered Capital:  

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Company Type:  Trade

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Detailed Information
Basic Information
Company Name VladaChem GmbH Country Germany Employees Number
Registered Capital Annual Turnover Ability of foreign trade Yes
Brand Name
Main Market worldwide
Contact Information
Company Address Bruhrückstraße 14a 76316, Malsch Germany Company Phone +49 (0)7246 308 2843 Company Website
E-mail Company Fax +49 (0) 32 222 439 722 Contact
Company Licenses